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【顺时而生】立春(Spring Begins)了!| 双语版24节气 24 Solar Terms

作者:程璨 孙锐 赵静等 来源:中国青年报客户端2022年02月04日


The Spring Begins, Lichun (立春) in Chinese, is the first solar term in the 24 solar terms, and marks the coming of spring. The date for Lichun begins this year on February 4th and ends in February 19th. Like the Summer Begins, the Autumn Begins and the Winter Begins, it is also a solar term reflecting the changing of seasons and is a transitional solar term. Generally, from the Spring Begins, the weather becomes warm again and people will gradually smell the scents of early spring.



As the temperature will be higher, the sunshine will be longer and the rain will be more. But for most parts of China, such phenomena is just a sign of spring, the true one has not yet to come.


Studies have shown that the virus can be strengthened by colder weather , and be adversely affected by higher temperatures.

According to this, we hope that the infections will by decrease for the Spring Begins is coming.

习俗 Customs


“Beating the cattle”. In ancient China, the administrators would set statues of cattle for beating on this day to wake up the cattle and remind people start farming again in the start of spring. In some parts of China, people still have the custom of “Biting the spring” on the first day of Spring Begins. They eat food represent spring like pancakes, spring rolls, or a few mouthfuls of turnips.

观察物候 What to observe

立春观三候 Three phenomena of the Spring Begins


The Spring Beginsis divided into three pentads with three phenomena to observe:


The firstpentad,east wind contact cold.(一候东风解冻)After the Spring Begins, the warm air flow moved east and the temperature rose to thawthe earth. The spring breeze brings warm wind, which is not only warm initself, but also contains a message that spring is coming, the earth is beginningto thaw, and everything is about to wake up.


The secondpentad, dormant bugs begin to wake up.(二候蛰虫始振)After the Spring Begins, insects that hadbeen hiding in caves in winter slowly came to life as the ground became softerdue to warmer weather.


The third pentad, the fish bears the ice.(三侯鱼陟负冰)In the north, the surface of the water freezes during the peak cold, but the bottom seems warmer, where fish lurk and wait quietly for spring. In spring, the ice on the water surface begins to melt.Fish quickly sense the change and scramble to the surface of the water to swimin the cracks between the ice and the ice that has not completely melted.Therefore, it is called "ice on fish" in ancient times.

饮食养生 What to eat

★ 春卷/春饼 Spring roll/Pancake (Chun juan/bing)


In Northern China, people eat chun bing (春饼) at this day to celebrate the Spring Begins. While in Southern China, people eat spring rolls (春卷) instead.

The spring pancake took its rise from the Jin dynasty and has prospered since the Tang dynasty. People celebrated the Spring Begins by eating spring pancakes wrapped around fresh vegetables and meat, which is called bite-the-spring (咬春). Bite-the-spring implies that people are praying for a good harvest year through eating the fresh vegetables and meat at the Spring Begins. In the Qing dynasty, spring pancakes became a fried pancake wrapped around a filling that included ham, chicken, pork, black dates, scallions, walnuts and sugar.



The pancake wrapper is just like that of a Peking roast duck, only bigger, and usually wrapped around various Chinese stir-fry fillings. The traditional belief holds that the vegetable sprouts will help people cater to the natural tendency of growing. So the spring pancake has a variety of tender vegetable sprouts wrapped inside, such as soybean sprouts, baby leek, spinach and shallot. These are complemented by flavorful fried egg and braised pork slices.


Temperature is still cold in the early spring, that our body needs more energy. Recommended diet is warm or seasonal food.


In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) theory, spring belongs to wood in five elements which relates to liver. According to this, more water and other food that can nourishing the wood and liver are needed, like Gogi Berry and chrysanthemum tea. Chinese dates, leeks, shrimp, mung bean sprouts, soybean sprouts, spinach, turnips are best to eat at this time. Here are two vegetable recommended.

★ 萝卜 Turnip

[功效] Function


Clear excess static heat, remove heat toxins, clear digestive stagnation, remove accumulated phlegm, and stimulate body fluids. There is a wisdom in TCM saying that “eat turnip in winter, and ginger in summer, no need to see doctor any more”.

★ 韭菜 Leek

[功效] Function

行气血,散寒气。Move qi and blood, disperse cold


In terms of TCM, leeks are known for their ability to regulate qi movement. They also help to expel cold and regulate blood circulation.

健体养生 What to do

★ 迎着朝阳“快步走” Getting up early with the sun and taking “brisk walks”


In the Yellow Emperor’s Cannon (a classical Chinese medicine book) there is a statement which indicates that spring has a rising and ascending nature which we should utilize by “Getting up early with the sun” and taking “brisk walks”. As the saying goes, “preserve Yang in spring and summer, while preserve Yin in autumn and winter”, Spring Begins is a turning point one should pay more attention to preserving Yang Qi, which is generated from the winter’s Yin Qi state.

★ 管理情绪,远离愤怒 Manage our emotion to far away from anger


As we introduce, spring belongs to wood and liver, which relates to the emotion of anger most. And it’s easy to be angry if the liver doesn’t works well. Thus, it’s important to remind us not to be control by anger and these kinds of emotions, like dissatisfaction and impatience, while nourish the liver.

★ 初春时节仍注意保暖 Keep in warm coat at the early spring


During Spring Begins, the temperature difference between day and night is large and the temperature in the morning is low. Due to the poor adaptability of the human body to the changeable wind direction in spring, and the gradual opening of the capillarieson the skin, people can easily catch cold when the weather suddenly turned cold. Therefore, it is the prone period of cold and respiratory diseases, and we should pay attention to keeping warm and preventing diseases. The winter-clothing should not be taken off too early.

★ 自我按摩 self-acupressure

● 立春后人体的毛孔逐渐打开,风邪夹寒邪最容易趁虛而入导致感冒,经常按摩肺经可以提升抵抗风寒的能力。肺经在我们手臂的内侧,它经过肩窝开始向下延伸到大拇指,取它上下两端的穴位来按摩就会有很好的效果,一个是肩部的中府穴,另一个是大拇指的少商穴,每天早晨起床用手半握拳各敲一百遍。

After the spring begins, the pores of the human body are gradually opened. Wind and cold evil are easy to take advantage of a cold. Regular massage of the lung meridian can improve the ability to resist wind and cold. Lung meridian in the inner side of our arm, it began to extend down to the thumb through the shoulder socket, take its upper and lower ends of the acupoint to massage have a good effect, one is the "Zhong fu point", the other is the thumb of the "Shao shang point", we can knock knock one hundred times for each with every morning

● 春属木,与肝相应,入春后,人的肝气开始旺盛,此时是调养肝脏的好时机,调肝养肝最为经典和常用的穴位就是位于脚上的“太冲穴”, 按摩太冲穴能够激发肝经的元气,有效促进肝经气血的运行,从而达到养肝补肝的目的。

Spring belongs to the wood and liver. During the spring,it’s right time to adjust liver. The classic acupoint is located at the foot"Tai chong point", massage this point can stimulate the liver meridian and promote the circulation of liver qi and blood, so as to achieve the goal of nourishing the liver .


Tai chong (LR3) acupoint pressing: pressing 5-10 minutes each time, pressing 2-3 times a day.


翻译及资料整理:孙锐 党迎迎 石晗 焦媛 张若诗


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