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2024-11-16 作者:赵安琪 朱彩云 贾子凡 来源:中国青年报客户端
在澳门这样一座小而美的城市生活是怎样一种体验?快跟随中青报·中青网记者的镜头来看看年轻人对澳门生活的印象。他们最喜欢的是什么?他们觉得澳门是怎样的一个地方?(采访/拍摄:中青报·中青网记者 赵安琪 朱彩云 剪辑:中青报·中青网见习记者 贾子凡)
Macau Youth Talks
What is it like to live in a small but beautiful city like Macau? Let's listen to what Macau youths have to say! What are their favorite things? What kind of place do they think Macau is? (By Zhao Anqi, Zhu Caiyun, and Jia Zifan/China Youth Daily)