

2024-08-05 作者:马子倩 陈小茹 来源:中国青年报客户端


7月29日,金峻范在中共中央对外联络部面向在华外国工商界举办的中共二十届三中全会精神专题宣介会期间,用流利的中文回答了媒体的采访。金峻范表示,中共二十届三中全会的召开将对中国和世界经济发展产生重要影响,“中国在推进高质量发展过程中大力推进科技创新”。金峻范尤其看好中国人形机器人产业的发展前景。(采访/拍摄/剪辑:中青报·中青网见习记者 马子倩 记者 陈小茹)

South Korean entrepreneur Kim Jun-bum: China values science and technology and welcomes foreign experts

Kim Jun-bum, a young entrepreneur from South Korea, has established a business in Beijing's Zhongguancun. Following the establishment of Beijing's favourable policy for foreign entrepreneurs, Kim Jun-bum, a graduate of Peking University, proceeded to found Beijing Korean Peninsula Technology Co., Ltd. and subsequently assumed the role of chairman.

On 29 July, Kim Jun-bum participated in a media interview conducted in a briefing on the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in Beijing, held by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee for foreign business communities in China. Kim Jun-bum posited that the convening of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will have a significant impact on the development of China and the global economy. In Kim's view, China is actively pursuing scientific and technological advancement as a means of achieving high-quality economic growth. And he expressed particular optimism about the future of China's humanoid robot industry.(Interview/Video/Edit: Ma Ziqian, Chen Xiaoru)

CPC 三中全会 高质量发展 科技 机器人产业 外籍人才 机器人 发展 创业 青年 重视 科技 人才 看好 人形 产业 前景


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