

2024-08-05 作者:马子倩 陈小茹 来源:中国青年报客户端


白瀚轩于2023年1月来华履新。过去一年半时间里,他走访了中国许多省市,中国的经济社会发展成就给他留下了深刻印象。在白瀚轩看来,高质量发展、新质生产力和中国式现代化等都是非常重要的议题。作为欧盟成员国,马耳他愿持续加强同中国合作,造福两国人民。(采访/拍摄/剪辑:中青报·中青网见习记者 马子倩 记者 陈小茹)

Maltese Ambassador to China John Busuttil: A Robust Chinese Economy is a Positive Force for Global Economic Growth

The third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has generated a great deal of discussion and debate among international observers. In an interview conducted during a briefing on the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which was organized by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing on 26 July, Maltese Ambassador to China John Busuttil discussed the contribution of China's economic development to the world economy. Busuttil put forth the proposition that a robust Chinese economy would serve as a positive force for global economic growth.

Busuttil assumed his new diplomatic post in China in January 2023. In the 18 months since his appointment, he has undertaken a comprehensive programme of visits to numerous provinces and cities in China, and has been profoundly impressed by the country's economic and social development achievements. In Busuttil's view, the pursuit of high-quality development, the cultivation of new quality productive forces and the advancement of Chinese modernization are all crucial areas of focus. As a member of the European Union, Malta is committed to further strengthening its cooperation with China, with the objective of benefiting the people of both countries. (Interview/Video/Edit: Ma Ziqian, Chen Xiaoru)

马耳他 三中全会 大使 中国经济 世界经济 经济 大使 世界


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