
NEWs on China's two sessions: Proposals paperless, and something else "unprecedented"

2024-03-12 作者:张致远 傅瑞 朱澹清 贾新阳 来源:中国青年报客户端

Hello everyone, let's continue to look here and there!

The just-concluded annual session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) received 5,898 proposals. It should be noted, none of them was submitted on paper, but rather online.

"This session has achieved entire-process paperless handling," says this year's report on the examination of new proposals.

According to China Youth Daily, in 2022, 5,979 proposals had been received, and only 2 of them were in paper. In 2023, the meeting achieved 100% paperless handling for the first time.

In other words, last year was the first year of 100% paperless submission.

In the past, CPPCC proposals were handwritten or printed, and would be submitted in folders.

Nowadays, members who are absent could submit proposals and participate in discussions through smart phones. Proposals from previous years can be searched through a mobile app, which has a "duplicate check" function, facilitating CPPCC members to innovate on previous proposals, while also improving the accuracy and value of the proposals.

I also noticed that something "unprecedented" appeared in this year's report, which was about proposal handling.

Over the past year, the CPPCC has intensified the implementation of proposals. Key proposals were implemented through inspections, investigations, and consultations. As a result, the chairman and vice chairmen of the National Committee of the CPPCC took the lead in supervising the implementation of vital proposals, and 22 of them had supervised a total of 31 proposals.

The report on how the proposals from CPPCC members had been handled since the previous annual session stated,“it is unprecedented”.




视觉包装:张岩 李晗

图片来源 :李峥苨、资料图片、视觉中国等



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