共青团中央主管 中国青年报主办

2025年3月20日 星期四

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Top Insights | He Xiaopeng: AI will be Core Automotive Competitiveness and Social Infrastructure

作者:傅瑞 王忻媛 来源:中国青年报客户端2025年03月11日

During China's 2025 "two sessions",He Xiaopeng, NPC deputy and CEO of XPeng Motors, announced to "all in" artificial intelligence. He stated that AI capabilities would become the core element in future automotive industry. From being an "assistant" to becoming social "infrastructure", AI transforms into an indispensable part of daily life. "It will fundamentally reshape industries and human living through its integration",He emphasized.(Photo/VCG)

By Fu Rui, Wang Xinyuan, Xu Bowen(intern) and Ma Zhiqing(intern)/China Youth Daily

Source: China Securities Journal

【责任编辑:叶雨婷 李媛媛  编辑:陈戈辉】

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