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2025-01-02 来源:中国新闻网
为迎接2025年的到来,法国外贸顾问中国委员会气候变化工作小组主席罗泰瑞(Thierry Laurent)接受中新网专访,做出新年展望、送出新年祝福,“中国对外国人一直保持着友好态度,我十分幸运能来到中国。”罗泰瑞强调:“中国对于世界和平做出不可磨灭的贡献”(黄方)
As 2025 begins, Thierry Laurent, Chairman of the Climate Change Working Group, French Foreign Trade Advisors China Committee gave an exclusive New Year interview to China News Network. He shared his outlook for the year and extended his New Year wishes, saying, "China has remained friendly to its foreigners, and we are lucky to be there." (Huang Fang)
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