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11月9日,第六届会稽山讲坛暨第十六届文化中国讲坛举办期间,中青报·中青网记者专访了英国剑桥大学教授、浙江大学求是讲席教授高奕睿(Imre Istvan Galambos)探讨敦煌莫高窟的壁画、手稿及雕塑如何体现中华文明的智慧,以及敦煌在东西方文化交流中的独特地位。高奕睿认为,通过敦煌的宗教艺术和手稿,可以窥见过去中国文化的独特面貌,它与中亚和印度等地有着紧密的联系。他希望通过敦煌艺术作品的数字化保护,超越语言的隔阂,共同促进文化交流。(中青报·中青网记者张诗童)
On November 9, during the 6th Kuaiji Mountain Forum and the 16th Culture of China Forum, China Youth Daily journalist interviewed Professor Imre Istvan Galambos, professor at Cambridge University and Qiu Shi chair professor at Zhejiang University to discuss how the murals, manuscripts, and sculptures of Dunhuang's Mogao Grottoes embody the wisdom of Chinese civilization, and Dunhuang's unique position in the cultural exchanges between the East and the West. According to Imre Istvan Galambos, the religious art and manuscripts at Dunhuang offer a unique glimpse into the past of Chinese culture, which had strong ties to places such as Central Asia and India. He hopes that through the digital preservation of Dunhuang artworks, we can transcend language barriers and jointly promote cultural exchange. (Elena Zhang, journalist from China Youth Daily)
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