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Advancing Green Development, Building Global Consensus

2024-08-17 作者:李悦 来源:中国青年报客户端

"Green development is a global issue; no country can thrive in isolation." This statement was made by Rana Baswedan, Co-Head of "ASEAN+" Youth Summit Events & Expert Staff for a Member of Jakarta's Regional Legistlatives Council, Indonesia, during the green development themed forum of the World Youth Development Forum held on August 14th, along with the China-ASEAN Youth Development Forum. Baswedan expressed her anticipation to hear stories about China's green development and strongly supports the efforts of Chinese youth in the field of green development.

It is reported that the green development themed forum and the China-ASEAN Youth Development Forum are one of the four thematic forums of the 2024 World Youth Development Forum. On the day of the event, approximately 150 participants from international organizations, youth organizations from China and abroad, officials in the field of green development, and representatives of youth projects attended.

(Interview/Editing/Video Shooting:Intern Hou Shanqun, Li Yue, Yin Xining and Zhang Yi ,Journalists from China Youth Daily )

Development Building Consensus


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