Young designers & visitors co-create custom leather tags at CIIE

作者:赵安琪 来源:中国青年报客户端2024年11月07日

Young designers from Donghua University collaborate with the visitors to co-create custom leather tags at Coach pavilion at the CIIE, attracting a large number of attendees.

Young designers from Donghua University collaborate with the visitors to co-create custom leather tags at Coach pavilion at the CIIE. (Photo by Zhao Anqi)

This initiative is part of a program called Young Artist Program launched in September by Coach. Young designers from universities across China worked with consumers to hand-paint leather tags, infusing new energy into the customization service with creative ideas and revolutionizing the fashion consumer experience.

Gao Yuanrui, a student from Tsinghua University said that participating in the Young Artist Program is really cool. "By sharing creativity and passion for expression, my work has been loved by many consumers, which gives me a strong sense of accomplishment and confidence." (By Zhao Anqi/China Youth Daily)

【责任编辑:陈小茹  编辑:陈戈辉】


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