共青团中央主管 中国青年报主办

2025年3月21日 星期五

新闻频道 >国际 >正文

A movie can be generated using AI from the comfort of one's home without the need for scenes, equipment, or actors

作者:王玉 逯清钰 来源:中国青年报客户端2025年03月19日

With the emergence of AI video tools such as Ke Ling, Ji Meng, Hai Luo, and VIDU, more and more young people with director dreams are trying to become "stay at home directors".AI video tools have functions such as text generated images, text generated videos, and image generated videos, which can greatly shorten the production cycle of images. However, due to AI's limited understanding of prompt words, the generated images often do not meet expectations and require multiple attempts. That's why the decisive factor is still the director's overall ability to control the film. But it cannot be denied that AI video is a blue ocean of the future, with significant market potential.

#AI #Short film #Directordream#Videotools

By WangYu,Lu QingyuandQiu Tong(intern), Zhang Ziyuan and Yao Hongyu/ China Youth Daily

Image source:video screenshot

【责任编辑:叶雨婷  编辑:张胶】

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