共青团中央主管 中国青年报主办

2025年3月21日 星期五

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Spokesperson's Remarks|China is fully confident in achieving 2025 GDP growth target

作者:马子倩 来源:中国青年报客户端2025年03月19日

In response to a relevant query, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press conference in Beijing on Tuesday that despite mounting tariff barriers, a complex external environment and other challenges, China is fully confident in achieving GDP growth target of around five percent this year.

Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson/MFA PRC

Mao noted that this year China's GDP growth target of around five percent is set in light of the science-based assessment of evolving dynamics both at home and abroad, full confidence in high-quality development, and the balance between qualitative and quantitative progress. The target offers a glimpse of China's general principle of striving hard to pursue progress while ensuring stability.

"On demand, China has an enormous market and great potential for domestic demand. On supply, China has the most complete industrial system and considerable capacity for production. On institutional strengths, China has effective governance mechanisms featuring long-term plans, sound regulation, and coordination between central and local governments. On policy tools, China will adopt a more proactive fiscal policy and an appropriately accommodative monetary policy to fully buttress high-quality growth. A new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other is being fostered at a faster pace. Our diverse trading partners cover more than 230 countries and regions in the world. China is capable of guarding against the uncertainty brought by external shocks." Mao said.

Mao further said that competent authorities shared information about China's economic performance for January and February yesterday, which shows that the momentum of economic rebound has been sustained and the policy measures are showing effect.

"We will further deepen reform and expand opening up. The giant ship of China's economy will continue to cleave the waves and sail steadily toward the future, which will benefit China and provide the world with much-needed stability." Mao said. (By Ma Ziqian/China Youth Daily)

【责任编辑:陈小茹  编辑:张胶】

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