共青团中央主管 中国青年报主办

2025年3月21日 星期五

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Spokesperson's Remarks|China says situation in Yellow Sea is stable at the moment

作者:马子倩 来源:中国青年报客户端2025年03月19日

In response to a media inquiry regarding the Republic of Korea (ROK) government's claim that the Chinese Coast Guard had blocked a ROK research vessel attempting to investigate a steel structure set up by China in the provisional maritime zone in the Yellow Sea on February 26, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated at a regular press conference in Beijing on Tuesday, "I am not familiar with the specifics you mentioned. What I can tell you is that China and the ROK have overlapping claims on maritime rights and interests. The two sides are advancing negotiations on maritime delimitation and in the meanwhile, actively carrying out cooperation in the provisional maritime zone in accordance with the China-ROK Fishery Agreement."

Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson/MFA PRC

Mao pointed out that regarding the maritime disputes between the two sides, China and the ROK maintain sound communication through the dialogue and cooperation mechanism of maritime affairs, and the maritime law enforcement authorities of the two countries also have smooth communication channel.

"The situation in the Yellow Sea is stable at the moment." Mao added. (By Ma Ziqian/China Youth Daily)

【责任编辑:陈小茹  编辑:张胶】

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