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2024-10-16 作者:李悦 来源:中国青年报客户端

中国青年报客户端讯(中青报·中青网见习记者 李悦 记者 李媛媛)“中国是一个伟大的迈向成功的故事。”曾先后到访中国50多次的中国人民“老朋友”,斯洛文尼亚前总统达尼洛·图尔克说道。



Title: Former Slovenian President Danilo Türk: China Has Changed Itself and the World

" China is a great success story." Danilo Türk, the former President of Slovenia and a long-time "friend of the Chinese people", who has visited China more than 50 times, said this.

In October 2008, shortly after assuming office as the President of Slovenia, Türk made his first official visit to China. Sixteen years later, he continues to closely follow China's development. From his observations, people often lose focus in discussions about China. He told reporters that what the world should recognize is that "China has changed itself and has also changed the world."

On October 10, at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, more than 300 former foreign dignitaries, members of royal families, leaders of international friendship organizations, and friends from various countries and regions gathered in Beijing. They experienced the charm of the ancient capital along the central axis of Beijing and witnessed the achievements in urban planning, construction, and cultural heritage preservation in Beijing's sub-center. (By Li Yue/China Youth Daily)

副中心 改变 城市 总统 世界 实地 感受 规划 建设 文化 传承 保护 成果


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