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2024-10-15 作者:李悦 来源:中国青年报客户端

中国青年报客户端讯(中青报·中青网见习记者 李悦 记者 李媛媛)“我期待进一步推动中黑关系”。黑山前总统菲利浦·武亚诺维奇表示,中黑传统友谊深厚,两国应进一步深化合作。他坚信,“中黑有能力创造新的机遇和空间,建立更好的关系,以促进两国人民更好的生活和更高的生活水平。”

“我随时准备看到北京的成就、新机遇。” 这已经是第二次来到北京城市副中心的武亚诺维奇对记者说道。



Title: Former President of Montenegro Filip Vujanović: Looking Forward to Furthering Montenegro-China Relations

"I think our great interest is to improve Montenegro-China relations," said Filip Vujanović, former President of Montenegro. He emphasized the deep traditional friendship between China and Montenegro, stating that the two countries should further deepen their cooperation. He firmly believes that "China and Montenegro have the capability to create new opportunities and spaces for better relations, leading to a higher standard of living for the people of both nations."

"I am always ready to witness Beijing's achievements and new opportunities," said Vujanović to reporters during his second visit to Beijing's sub-center. On October 10, at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, more than 300 former foreign dignitaries, members of royal families, leaders of international friendship organizations, and friends from various countries and regions gathered in Beijing. They experienced the charm of the ancient capital along the central axis of Beijing and witnessed the achievements in urban planning, construction, and cultural heritage preservation in Beijing's sub-center.

On the day of the event, Vujanović and other international friends also visited the Beijing Municipal Library in the city's sub-center to experience the charm of the library's cultural atmosphere; at the Grand Canal Museum, they observed the development of Chinese civilization; and while boating on Beijing's Grand Canal, they admired the beautiful views of the surrounding areas. They captured the journey with their phones and cameras along the way. (By Li Yue/China Youth Daily)

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