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7月20日至10月20日,“劳伦斯·韦纳:追求幸福 越快越好”展览在UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办。本次展览是美国艺术家劳伦斯·韦纳在中国的首个重要回顾展。本次展览由UCCA策展顾问彼得·逸利策划,继2007年UCCA委任创作“劳伦斯·韦纳:以邀光”作为UCCA开馆展项目之一展出后,时隔17年再次于UCCA呈现劳伦斯·韦纳具有开创性的艺术实践。
7月20日,UCCA邀请劳伦斯·韦纳遗孀艾丽斯·韦纳、艺术家之女兼其艺术遗产执行官柯尔斯滕·韦纳进行一场特邀导览,从展品出发,讲述劳伦斯·韦纳的生平、作品与成就,带领公众探索劳伦斯·韦纳的艺术旅程。 中青报·中青网记者独家采访艾丽斯·韦纳,讲述艺术家与中国的不解之缘。(中青报·中青网记者 张诗童)
From July 20 to October 20, 2024, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art presents “Lawrence Weiner: A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ASAP”. This exhibition is the first major retrospective of American artist Lawrence Weiner in China. Curated by Peter Eleey, “A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ASAP” brings Weiner’s groundbreaking work back to UCCA seventeen years after “TO ALLOW THE LIGHT” was commissioned by UCCA for its inaugural exhibition series in 2007.
Lawrence Weiner was born in New York in 1942 and died in 2021. Since the 1960s, he has been widely known for his works composed of English words and forms, and these experiments have made Weiner recognized as one of the earliest conceptual artists. Lawrence believed that it was possible to create works of art using only language, and from this developed a philosophy of art that held that art could exist solely as ideas, without the aid of any concrete physical object.
On July 20, UCCA invited Alice Weiner, Lawrence Weiner's widow, and Kirsten Weiner, the artist's daughter and the executive of his artistic legacy, to conduct a special guided tour to tell the story of Lawrence Weiner's life, works, and accomplishments, and to lead the public in exploring the journey of Lawrence Weiner's art, starting from the exhibits. China Youth Daily interviewed Alice Weiner about the artist's Unbreakable Bond with China.(Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily)